Transform Your Data Management Tasks with DFRNT YAML Editing for TerminusDB
TerminusDB is a graph database technology that provides a platform for managing structured data, with features including powerful query tools and advanced versioning capabilities. However, many users find it challenging to author schema and content in the JSON format.
That's where the new YAML support in DFRNT comes in. A new YAML content editor that is the perfect middle ground between JSON and the already-existing easy to use forms-based records and schema editing. It's an alternative that enables greater flexibility in working with TerminusDB data products for data-savvy users.
Benefits of the DFRNT YAML Support for Structured Content Editing
In DFRNT we further improved the innovative TerminusDB content editor we offer, which now offers even more benefits for those working with structured data.

A key advantages is with the flexibility it provides are in terms of working with schema and content input. With DFRNT, users can switch between forms-based, YAML, and JSON input as required, making it easier to author schema and content in a way that suit your preferences and needs.
For instance, while YAML is a data format that most humans have a relatively high chance of understanding, JSON can be challenging to comprehend, especially for those without significant experience in coding. Therefore, the ability to switch between these input options enables users to work more efficiently, regardless of their coding knowledge.
Author the data correctly and transform it as needed
Another advantage of DFRNT is that it makes it easy to author a variety of content types natively, including Markdown and MDX of course. These are popular formats for web authoring, and the new YAML support makes it easier to edit such records using the input format you prefer.
The editor also features highlighting, formatting support, Visual Studio Code key bindings that make it easy to navigate and manipulate your data, and the content editors are available even on mobile devices.
DFRNT also offers a range of TerminusDB schema templates you can load on demand, specifically designed for CMS and knowledge graph usage. These templates can help you build schema structures quickly and easily, reducing the time and effort required to manage large amounts of information within a data product or knowledge graph.
Use YAML with TerminusDB in DFRNT
DFRNT is an excellent tool for working with TerminusDB data products, enabling users to author schema and content as required. Users switch seamlessly between visualisations of TerminusDB content in the canvas to gain an in-depth understanding of the data structure, and the forms-based, JSON and YAML editor to tweak both content and schema as needed.

An example of the flexibility is when using the new YAML content editor with TerminusDB schema. You can preview of the type composition before committing your schema updates and use the forms-based editor if some tasks are easier there. The type composition feature provides greater visibility and transparency into the data structure, enabling users to work more efficiently and effectively.
The new DFRNT YAML feature is expected to make it significantly easier for users to work with type-checked semantic knowledge graph data, offering greater flexibility and versatility than ever before. Whether you're a digital architect or a data wizard, DFRNT provides an invaluable tool for managing structured content and streamlining your data management tasks.
With its feature-rich editor, schema templates, and support for various data types, DFRNT makes it easy to author schema and content in a way that suits your preferences and needs. The ability to switch seamlessly between canvas visualisations of TerminusDB content, forms-based editor and YAML data modes enables users to work more efficiently and effectively than ever before. It also reduces the time and effort required to manage large amounts of information within a data product or a knowledge graph.
So why wait? Experience the augmented power of structured data editing for yourself and try the new DFRNT YAML editing today! It offers everything you need to work more efficiently with TerminusDB content and schema, making your daily workflow much easier.